Be Createfull With Make. Do.

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Let's Be Createfull with Make. Do.!

Isn't it just so satisfying to find a new and unexpected use for something seemingly so ordinary. My dad, Dr Barry, was a genius at this. What most would consider trash he could revamp into something remarkable. In fact, I remember him picking up a couch on the side of the road, bringing it home and painting it! It sat in our living room for years. He crafted all of my dollhouse furniture out of clothes pins, buttons, bottles and extra material. With him in mind and Earth Day approaching, I began thinking about our little supplement bottles. 

I wanted to create a craft using our bottles that would be both fun and easy and I knew just the girls to go to for help! Make. Do. is a local non-profit that uses creativity (the Make.) as a way to connect with our community (the Do.) They call it being createfull. We teamed up together and planned the perfect craft for you to try!





Make. Do. Paper Flowers

This is such a simple craft using items you already have on hand. It's fun for all ages and only takes a few minutes. Now that's my kind of craft!

Here's What You'll Need:

  • Glue Stick
  • Magazine Paper
  • Stem of Choice: twig, pipe cleaners, chopstick, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Supplement Bottle




1. Cut a strip of magazine paper between 1" to 4" wide.

2. Apply glue to one long edge of the paper and fold the opposite edge to meet it. Press down to seal.

3. Cut slits into the folded (not the glued ) edge of the paper. Be careful not to cut all the way through your strip.

4. Apple glue to half of your strip and begin to roll the strip around your stem of choice. Add more glue to the rest of the strip and continue rolling.

5. Let it dry and you are done!






Aren't they just so cute. You can make a beautiful bouquet of paper flowers and display them right in your supplement bottle. You could even go a step further and peel off the label and paint your bottle with chalk paint or glue twine around it. So many fun things to do. And if you're not into crafting, may I suggest recycling? Our products’ job is to do good for you, and you can pay goodness forward by doing good for the planet.

I hope you love the craft and give it a try! If so, send some pics my way, I would love to see. If you want to watch a step by step video give us a follow on Instagram or Facebook and be sure to check out Make. Do. and the incredible work they are doing! And give a listen to their Podcast: Be Createfull, which is all about finding fullness through creativity. It's so fun!



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